Hello everyone,
I am writing to thank to K&K, especially for Miss Lee for all their efforts and advice regarding my permanent residency application. I highly recommend this service for someone who is applying for LMIA or PR. They are very professional, they know their business very well and will simply explain the situation for you. I appreciate all their strength, honesty and enthusiasm:) thank you so much!
K&k통해서 워크퍼밋이랑 영주권 둘다 받았어요.!
가장 좋은 방법도 알려주시고 여러가지 일어날수있는 케이스들을 말해주셔서accordingly준비 할수 있어 매우 좋았어요.
가족같이 대해주셔서 마음 편히 맡기고 진행할수있었습니다:)
감사합니다 🖤🖤